Full-Service Supplier of Thermal Spray Coating, Laser Cladding, and Machining
HVOF 6805 is a tungsten carbide self-fluxing nickel-chromium-silicon-boron mechanical alloyed composite powder. Coatings produced by the
HVOF process are very dense, well bonded, and smooth. Due to the high integrity of the overlay, the coating may be left as sprayed or can be traditionally fused (heat treated) to improve coating properties. Fusion of the coating results in very low coating shrinkage, minimal part distortion, high impact resistance, metallurgical bonding and exceptionally smooth, even coating thickness, when properly applied. Often, parts can be coated to near-finish requirements, unlike common spray and fuse composites of similar chemistry. The powder has very fine grains (1-7 micron), which also have been observed to produce higher wear resistance over traditional spray and fuse composites in many applications. The matrix composition is similar to Deloro™ 50, which has a hardness value of approximately 50 Rc.
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Thickness Limitations, Unknown
Estimated Hardness Range:
As Sprayed 52-55 Rc
Fused 62-65 Rc
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Tough Coatings for Harsh Environments
The Northeast's only full-service supplier of thermal spray coating, hardface welding, and machining. Your application is tough - and your market is even tougher. Our solutions-based expert team of craftsmen and technicians know the best solutions that affect your parts.