Full-Service Supplier of Thermal Spray Coating, Laser Cladding, and Machining
Quality and Flexible Thermal Spray Coating Services
Hayden thermal sprayed coatings perform vital functions in OEM components and production machinery in consumer goods manufacturing, offshore oil exploration, commercial aviation, and front-line military equipment, among others. Surface enhancement coatings add value to everyday items and cutting edge experimental equipment.
Learn more about the important applications thermal spray coatings can perform.
Have a question or have a specific need? Contact our main office or send us a message online.
Tough Coatings for Harsh Environments
The Northeast's only full-service supplier of thermal spray coating, hardface welding, and machining. Your application is tough - and your market is even tougher. Our solutions-based expert team of craftsmen and technicians know the best solutions that affect your parts.